Don’t Be a Hazard – Package Test Before Shipping Dangerous Goods
14 November 2014

One might say it’s complicated – deciding what’s hazardous and what’s not. Perhaps equally complex are the number of regulatory agencies and organizations involved in setting standards and enforcing compliance. In this alphabet soup there are the governmental groups such as the US DOT for commercial transport; the US DOD for shipping military supplies and ordinance; and US DOT PHMSA that tests package designs for pipeline materials. There are also private organizations such as ASTM, formerly known as the American Society for Testing and Materials that establish voluntary standards, recommend test labs to meet your specific product needs, develop testing methods and advise on “best practices” for packages being transported globally.
Package Test – Be Safe, Not Sorry
To simplify the process, the UN has developed a universal system for the classification, packaging and labeling of dangerous goods so they can be safely transported and shipped. Most national and international rules regarding shipment by road, rail, sea and air are based on the UN specifications. Standards for testing packaging performance are set under the Chapter 6.1 of the UN Model Regulations and packages that pass the prescribed tests qualify to receive a UN seal of approval.
» Read More Get the Best When You Package Test
Substances classified as hazardous range from certain types of gases to spent nuclear fuel rods. The UN categorizes the danger level first by class, then by packing group. Testing package endurance for dangerous materials includes tests similar to those previously discussed, such as shock resistance and vibration tolerance in simulated, transit environments.
Sealed containers may be subjected to differential pressure conditions to make sure that packages do not explode when exposed to changes in flight temperature or altitude. Here at Larson LLC, we frequently test for specialty gases transported in pressurized containers, and we have acquired recognized expertise transporting military ordnance and supplies. The ubiquitous use of cell phones, computers, cameras and increasingly, electric cars, also finds our team regularly testing tolerance levels for optimized shipping of lithium batteries.
» Read More Test Product Packaging – Make Sure Yours Passes
Wrap It Up Right
Whatever costs may be incurred in establishing safe transit and shipping, it’s paltry compared to potential product loss or liability if an accident occurs. Working with an experienced, professional design team like the one at Larson LLC, can ensure a safe delivery and a peaceful night’s sleep. Please contact us for further information on how we can be of service to you.