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New toolless crate is significantly less costly to fabricate and slashes loading time

The customer manufactures semiconductors and industrial lasers. The current crate design was difficult to open and secure as...

Foam insert re-design solves problem without the need for a new SKB case

Our customer bought a high-end drone that came with a case and foam solution. The customer was unhappy...

New 2U Server Packaging Assembly design delivers a 10% saving

Our customer was a packaging distributor working with a network appliance company.  The goal was to design and...

Our new 42U server rack crates must be reusable with no performance degradation and cut the cost-per-trip to under $200 vs over $1000+ per crate it’s currently costing us

The customer—a leading online brand– needed a way to safely and securely transport their populated and integrated 42U...

New server rack crate design eliminates confusion and saves money

The customer—a contract manufacturer for a leading online brand– needed a wooden crate to ship their server racks....

Ship our aircraft components to the Paris airshow in a Russian aircraft

A manufacturer of piloted aircraft components was exhibiting in a Paris airshow. All the components were of odd...

Rapid design and deployment of scientific blood analyzer for medical applications

A medical company needed protective packaging to help it rapidly deploy a delicate blood analysis device during the...

New Hybrid packaging design saves client $191 per crate and reduces shipping expenses

Hospitals and healthcare providers need reliable shipping solutions for high-value medical devices. Due to the critical importance and...

Crate redesign for medical device streamlines delivery process and saves 50% in packaging costs

Packaging and shipping is often a complex logistical exercise for manufacturers and distributors of medical devices due to...

Wooden Crates & Skids

Most wooden shipping crate designs are driven by proven military specifications (Mil-Spec) maintained by the ASTM, and must...

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